Parkland Medical Center
September 24, 2015

Parkland Medical Center is hosting its third in a series of Community Wellness Lectures on Wednesday, September 30. This presentation will be held at the Parkland Medical Building on 31 Stiles Road in Salem. Parkland’s comprehensive lecture series, offered at no cost, is part of the medical center’s commitment to community wellness.

What: Parkland Medical Center’s Community Wellness Series
“Hysterectomy—Know Your Options”

Who: Thomas Zarka, M.D.
Women’s Health Services, Parkland Medical Center

When: Wednesday, September 30 at 6 p.m.

Where: Parkland Medical Building, 31 Stiles Road, Salem, NH
Community Education Room, Second Floor

Why: There are more choices than ever before for the type of hysterectomy a woman may choose. Learn about an appropriate option as it relates to your symptoms and medical history. Bring your questions about perimenopause or menopause and learn about what option is right for you.

RSVP: Call 1-877-642-2362 to register or visit