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Parkland Co-Sponsoring Opiate Crisis Panel Discussion on October 7

Concerned local and county organizations have organized a panel discussion on the urgent and growing crisis of opiate use throughout Rockingham County. The event is co-sponsored by Pinkerton Academy and Parkland Medical Center.

Our Children and the Opiate Crisis panel discussion, will be held on Wednesday, October 7th from 6-8 p.m at the Derry Boys’ and Girls’ Club Auditorium (40 East Derry Road in Derry).

The evening will provide an opportunity to learn from the top specialists in the state about this growing crisis of opiates and OTC drugs, our state and county response to the situation, along with a chance to ask questions of the panel and steps individuals can take to prevent this problem.

Resources from several prevention, treatment and recovery organizations will be available at the event.

Please share this information with professional and personal networks of colleagues, parents, agencies, educators and other interested and concerned community members.